Minggu, 08 Mei 2016


business letter is a letter that is used by any person, organization or institution .apakah sent letters by post, faksmilie, telephone or via the internet.


1.      Letter Head
Commonly referred to as the head of the letter, the letter also called business Letterhead, Letterheads is a title or information on leaflets letterheads. The contents of infromasi usually consists of name, address, telephone number, and company logo or design, and sometimes a background pattern. Letterhead this term is often used to refer to the entire printed sheet as Heading
2.      Date
Date is the calendar which means appointed date, month, and year. Placement calendar letterhead is usually located under the right corner of the Letter Head.
To form the date of writing business letters can be divided into two forms:
·         Date in British style:
            In British English, usually written before the calendar month, to writing the date
    right, you have to know the first system in the British sequencing, sequencing in Languages
    English as follows:
    1 First: First (st)
    2 Second: Second (-nd)
    3 Third: Third (-rd)
    While writing calendar ending in numbers 4 - 10 may use the suffix (-th)
    end of the figure.

·         Date in American style
            In English America can write the date simply by using numbers, Form
            The most common are:
3.    Inside Address
Inside Address is addressing the meaning of the recipient mail address. At the writing there name, address, postal code, and country.

4.      References
Contains a reference that allows the sender and receiver do documentation or archiving of conversations prior to writing the article reference can be underlined, write references for the respondent in the format: 'Your Ref: PPP / C3'. If you want to add the reference of the delivery, the format of the writing: 'My Ref: Con / 13/1' or 'Our Ref: Con / 13/1'.

5.      Salutation
Salutation is the greeting. Corresponding practices businesses can use the Salutation or greeting to initiate the content or purpose of the letter. Each form of greeting in a business letter has a level of formality and different prevalence. Letter business letter is not as free as a social or personal letters in placing Salutation.

6.      Subject
Subject meaning in Indonesian is Subject. That the contents of the letter, with the rationale for creating a letter by the creator to the recipient or at least understand the general picture mail message body content of the message of the letter business. Subject line or writing a subject line placed above Salutation. Subject may be written or typed with all capital letters or lowercase letters.

7.      Body Of Letter
The letter is where you write down what you want delivered. Paragraph in the letter must use single spacing (single space) and the absence of separation between each paragraph. Leave a gap between the end of the contents by the cover.

8.      Complimentary Close
Part of this as a sign that your letter has been completed, usually ending with the writing "Sincerely", "Sincerely yours", "Thank you", and so forth. Take note, There is a comma at the end of the cover and only the first letter using capital letters. Leave a gap of 3-4 lines between the cover with the name, which will diguankan for a signature.

9.      Signature
Most companies or institutions do not use Company Signature (signature of the company) in a business letter. Instead, they use a personal signature or personal signature of the leadership of the company or institution that is authorized to represent the company or institution in carrying out the duties and obligations of the business. However, if Company signature or signatures of the company is used, the way of writing is to put under the complementary Close and typed in all capital letters.

10. Enclosure
This section is written only if there are attachments that will be included in the business letter. Enclosure or attachments writing help author, recipient, and the secretary to determine the completeness examine appendices are included. If the attachments are not complete or not in accordance with written, the control can be easily done, The Enclosure writing variations can be observed.
1 Comtract
2 Cheques
3 Memo
Enclosure: Contract
ENC .: Contract
Encl .: Contract

11.  Postscript located two spaces below the signature or initials of reference. A brief note is added when terminating a letter. Placed at the bottom left of the letter, before the CC.

12.  Carbon Copy Notation
Notation letter (carbon copy notation) is only written when writing a letter to convey the letter to duplicate certain parties, with the contents of the format, and everything is exactly the same as the original letter sheet. In writing, carbon copy notation can be shortened to CC followed by a colon or a colon, or can be a sign of cc (lowercase) are also followed by a colon.

C.    format used in writing a business letter.

A.    Semi-Block Format: Business Letter
Semi-Block fromat: In this format, the text left aligned and all paragraphs in the letter is indented
The format of this form of the letter on the letter head, date, complementary close, and the signature are in a position flush right. Unevenness in the layout right, bs tp dibilangg centered. Other parts such as the letter inside the address, subject, Salutation, body of the letter, or if the presence of an attachment letter enclosure, in the position of the left.

B.       Full Block Format: Business Letter
At the writing of Full Block style: Business letters usually are on the left like a letter head, date, inside address, subject, Salutation, body of the letter, complementary close, signature or the whole of the format of the letter is in the left position.

·         Semi Block format
17 International Boulevard
New York, NY 12007

Your Ref         : LA/LL/12
 23 July, 2015
Our Ref          : GT/SB/16

Mr. William Reed
Purchase Manager
261 Jln. Mahkota Raya
Jakarta 12001, Indonesia

Dear Mr. William,
Thank you for your letter on 15 July, inquiring about our latest catalogue, price-list and terms of payment.
We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue, price-list and terms of payment together with samples of our promotional gifts.

We hope you will find our prices and terms satisfactory and look forward to receiving your trial order.

 Yours sincerely,

Richard T. Mann
                                                                                                              Marketing Manager

·         Full Block format


231 Blackmore Street

New York, NY 20011, USA

Ref. DT/NN/12

7 May, 2015

Messrs. Johnson Smith & Carlson Ltd

16 Fifth A Venue Street

Los Angeles, LA

 Dear Sirs,
We have to remind you that your account for televisions ordered on 12 February has not yet been paid. Discount cannot now be allowed. You will remember that we went to some trouble to meet your delivery date, and we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delaying your payment.

A copy of the statment is enclosed, and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return.

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan R. Smith


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